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Секс в большом городе
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Секс в большом городе

Sex and the City

Добавлена: 1-20 серия (1-6 сезон) - НТВ, Eng.Original, 1+1, Рус. Дублированный, Укр. Дубльований
13 март 2025

«Are you ready for more?»

«Are you ready for more?»

In the center of the series - four bosom friends Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbs, Charlotte York and Samantha Jones. Four bright personalities, four outlooks on life and four ways to overcome problems. Independent New Yorkers, boldly in their thirties, are confident and candid with each other.

An American HBO comedy-drama television series created by Darren Star. The episodes aired from June 6, 1998 to February 22, 2004. In December 2021, the 7th season of the cult series will be released. A total of 104 episodes were filmed across seven television seasons. The average length of an episode ranges from 25 to 35 minutes. One of the regular writers and directors of the series is Michael Patrick King.
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