

On the market: from 2005
Клиенты: 44851 (~3.73 % market)
Сервера: Ukraine, USA, Germany, Netherlands, France
Панель управления: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel, cPanel, DirecAdmin, Plesk, ISPmanager
Тестовый период: 30 дней

Купить виртуальный сервер (VDS/VPS) here Hostlife.net

Первое впечатление
Лучшие VPS/VDS серверы в Германии, Нидерландах, Украине, России.
Интерфейс прост и удобен. COMPANY Хостинг предлагает множество различных пакетов с подробным описанием доступных функций. Для каждого типа хостинга (даже для виртуального хостинга) вы можете выбрать расположение сервера: Украина, Россия, Германия или Нидерланды. Виртуальный хостинг делится на три категории: Стандартный, Премиум и CMS-хостинг. Дисковое пространство, трафик, а также количество учетных записей электронной почты и доменов для данного типа хостинга не ограничены. Пакету «Премиум» выделяется в два раза больше серверных ресурсов, чем пакету «Стандарт». Хостинг CMS оптимизирован для работы с различными CMS. Цены на виртуальный хостинг выше средних: от $2,5 до $40 в месяц, но компания предлагает хорошие скидки при покупке на 3 месяца и более.

Hot summer

Outside the window is July, the thermometers are going off scale, people are hiding under the air conditioners and impatiently waiting for a vacation. Our "Hot Summer" campaign is designed for workaholics, those people who have nothing to do with anything, who can't be without work for a day and even take laptops, tablets and other gadgets with them on vacation.

The "Hot Summer" Акция распространяется только на расширение существующих услуг и не распространяется на вновь размещаемые заказы. Его условия просты как две копейки: Вы продлеваете хостинг, VPS, выделенные сервера - мы дарим бонусные месяцы. Чем дольше период продления, тем больший бонус вы получите:

- при продлении услуг на 12 месяцев. будет начислен бонус на 3 месяца;
- при продлении услуг на 24 месяца. будет начислен бонус на 6 месяцев;
- при продлении услуг на 36 месяцев. будет начислен бонус на 9 месяцев.

The bonus will be credited within three days from the date of payment of the invoice for the renewal of the order. If you have not received a bonus within the specified period, just create a ticket to the sales department with the topic "Hot summer" and we will correct this injustice.


The promotion is valid from 07/01/2023 to 07/31/2023.
The promotion is available only for existing orders and is valid only for their renewal.
The maximum renewal period for each service is limited by the system.
In the case of using the right to MoneyBack, the refund is made under normal conditions, minus the bonus validity period of the service.

Бонус за переезд

Что именно мешает вам начать пользоваться услугами хостинга от HOSTLIFE прямо сейчас?

Возможно, это значительная сумма, выплаченная за значительный период вперед предыдущему хостинг-провайдеру, услуги которого не оправдали ваших ожиданий? .. Или не желая получить никаких проблем при переносе проектов? А может быть, вы просто не хотите тратить время и силы на переезд?

Мы легко решим эти проблемы прямо сейчас, обеспечим ваши проекты по-настоящему качественным хостингом, бережно и совершенно бесплатно перенесем их на наши сервера, а кроме того, компенсируем вам средства, потраченные на услуги предыдущих провайдер с бонусом за переезд в HOSTLIFE!
Бонус за переезд начисляется при заказе виртуального хостинга и VPS/VDS. Сумма бонусного срока будет равна оставшемуся сроку оказания услуг на старом хостинге, с некоторыми ограничениями: для виртуального хостинга максимальный срок бонуса за переезд может составлять 6 месяцев, а для VPS/VDS этот период составит быть до 3 мес.

Если срок действия услуги на старом хостинге меньше 1 месяца, даже нескольких дней, мы предоставим вам бонус в размере 1-го полного месяца нашего обслуживания бесплатно.

Бонус за релокацию начисляется по запросу в отдел продаж компании через тикет-систему.

Gift domain

When buying a shared hosting or VPS/VDS for a long time, we will register a domain for you for free in one of the following zones: .info, .pw, .pro, .guru, .pics, .today, .xyz, .space, .lol, .live, .world, .run, .shop, .life, .fun, .mom, .homes, .digital

Provision of a domain name as a gift is made with the following order composition:

Payment for a quarter (3 months) or more on a Prime, CMS Business, Deluxe or Geek plan;

Payment for half a year (6 months) and more according to the Advanced, CMS Pro, Comfy, Master or Pro tariff plan;

Payment for a year (12 months) or more under the Basic, CMS Lite, Baby or Tyro tariff plan;

Payment for 2 years (24 months) or more under the Simple tariff plan.

Buy Virtual Private Server (VDS/VPS) here Hostlife.net

Long term hosting discount

Provision of a domain name as a gift is made with the following order composition:

Payment for the quarter (3 months) - 5% discount from the total order value;

Payment for half a year (6 months) - 10% discount from the total order value;

Payment for the year (12 months) - 15% discount from the total order value;

Payment for 2 years (24 months) - 20% discount from the total order value;

Payment for 3 years (36 months) - 25% discount on the total order value.

Long term VPS/VDS discount

When paying for VPS/VDS for a long period, the following discounts are provided:

Payment for half a year (6 months) - 5% discount from the total order value;

Payment for the year (12 months) - 10% discount from the total order value.

Unlimited hosting

Unlimited hosting is an indisputable advantage of our services over competitors for those who are used to living and working comfortably. This is the highest level of our trust in our clients. Of course, unlimited disks, memory or traffic have not yet been invented, so the unlimited model is designed for targeted and fair use.

Shared hosting fair use policy:
volume of outgoing mail from one account must not exceed the threshold of 500 emails per 24 hours and/or 25 emails per 1 hour;

allowable disk quota for one account is 200 GB for Premium group plans and 100 GB for Standard and CMS group plans;

one account is backed up only if the data volume is up to 10 GB and/or 100 thousand inodes on the tariff plans of the Standard and CMS groups, as well as up to 20 GB and/or 200 thousand inodes on the tariff plans of the Premium group.

Gift control panel for VPS/VDS

Hosting provider HOSTLIFE is an official partner of the best software manufacturers around the world, so we are ready to provide a server control panel as a gift to the ordered VPS/VDS.

Control panels are distributed according to the tariff scheme as follows:

Tariff plan Baby: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel;

Tariff plan Tyro: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel;

Tariff plan Master: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel;

Tariff plan Pro: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel, ISPmanager 6 Lite;

Tariff plan Geek: VestaCP, HestiaCP, aaPanel, ISPmanager 6 Lite, DirectAdmin.

Gift hosting

As part of our new permanent promotion, we are giving away a month of hosting for each registered domain.

If you have registered any domain name with our company, you are entitled to a free month of shared hosting under the Simple tariff plan. To get it, you need to open a ticket from the account to which your domain was registered and inform our employees about your desire to participate in the "Gift hosting" campaign. You will be provided with an individual promo code with a 100% discount, valid only for orders with a validity period of 1 month and under the Simple tariff plan. In the future, you will be able to extend the term of hosting on a general basis.

30 days money back

We return unspent funds within 30 days if for some reason our services did not suit you.

Refunds are subject to the following conditions:

More than 30 calendar days have not passed since the date of conclusion of the contract and / or payment for the order;

Refunds are made for virtual hosting services or virtual dedicated server rental;

This is your only and first order, and you have not previously refused this type of service in our company.

The price of a VPS server depends on the location and varies from $110 to $128 per month. The company uses SAS hard drives for its VPS servers, which are much faster than SATA drives. Overall, the performance of the servers is very good. For example, the most expensive VPS server in the U.S. the following characteristics: 8 cores of CPU, 12 GB of RAM, 192 GB of disk space and 25 GB of space for backups.

Dedicated servers have good value for money. The company offers many different servers, so it is easy to choose the right one.

Test period
The company provides a test period of 7 days for all shared hosting plans. Also, for all types of hosting it is possible to get a refund within 20 days after purchase.

Billing cycle
Virtual hosting Hostlife.net can be purchased for 1, 3, 6 months or a year, two or three. VPS server may be purchased for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. For dedicated servers, only a monthly billing cycle is available.

Control Panel
For shared hosting packages the company offers cPanel or DirectAdmin to choose from. Depending on your pricing plan, you can install Vesta, ISPmanager 4, 5 or Business; DirectAdmin or cPanel on a VPS server. All of the above mentioned control panels, except for Vesta, are paid. On a dedicated server, you can install paid ISPmanager and cPanel, or free DirectAdmin.

Although the company website says that disk space, traffic, number of domains and mailboxes are not limited for shared hosting, this is not entirely true. For example, the service agreement says that the maximum amount of disk space is 100 GB for standard hosting and CMS hosting, and 200 GB for premium hosting. Also, the maximum number of outgoing emails is 25 per hour. There are also restrictions on backups.

If your hosting account takes more than 10 GB or you have more than 100,000 inodes (20 GB and 200,000 for Premium hosting) there will be no backups. As for unlimited traffic, there is still a limit. You may use 5-10% of the total port bandwidth. VPS and dedicated servers also have standard limitations on the amount of RAM, disk space and number of processor cores, which are specified in the tariff plan descriptions.

Virtual hosting packages include basic protection from DDoS attacks, anti-spam protection (SpamAssassin) and anti-virus and malware scanner - Ai-Bolit. The security of a dedicated or VPS server must be provided by yourself.

The only thing that the company provides for them is a paid protection from DDoS-attacks, from 100 dollars per month. Moreover, this service is only available for servers located in the Netherlands. The storage for backups is small: 10-20 Gb for shared hosting and 25 Gb for VPS and dedicated servers. On the other hand, the company provides inexpensive paid storage, e.g. 50GB for $3 per month.

CloudLinux is installed on the shared hosting servers. VPS and dedicated servers can install CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, CloudLinux and Windows Server 2012 (Standard or Datacenter). The last two operating systems are paid. It is also possible to install any other operating system on the dedicated server if you have its image.

HostLife provides 24/7 support via tickets, chat (Skype, ICQ) and phone. Support representatives answer quickly and politely, but not very accurately. The knowledge base covers all major topics.

Virtual hosting is not badly protected, but it is a bit expensive, you can find cheaper and better options. The backup system is also not very well thought out: if you have several small sites, you will need to buy additional space for backups. The security policy is also not very clear: protection against DDoS attacks is only provided for servers in the Netherlands.

On the other hand, VPS and dedicated servers have good features. In general, we recommend to use servers from this company, as they are well established, but shared hosting can be found better.

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