Six Women
This is a low budget western about six undesired women who are taken out of a western town and transported to prison. Their adventures along the way are the basis for the film. The head man, Charley, is in charge of making sure the women stay in line. One night, Dolores, a Mexican girl, tries to escape. Charley catches her and has her tied to a tree, hanging by her wrists, for punishment. He strips her to the waist and lays a bull whip on her back.
- Год выпуска:
- Длительность:76 мин. / 01:16
- Жанр:
- Страна:
- Режисер:
- В ролях:
- Возраст:18+
- Cценарий:Микель Энджел
- Продюсер:Кирди Стивенс
- Оператор:Рональд Виктор Гарсия
- Художник:Дэйв Аткинс
- Монтаж:Рональд Виктор Гарсия
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